Liberty at the End of a Hoe; the Politics of Plants

Sure they grow, impressively at times, but mostly they just sit there doing their plant thing. Any animal, insect or human can just walk or fly right up and take a bite or rip it out of the ground, and the plant appears helpless to intervene.
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Sure, they've developed various strategies for survival, but when they try to stand up to determined vertebrates, they end up resembling the proverbial sitting duck. Munched.
We also might mistakenly assume that plants are submissive to human will. Haven't we manipulated them into over-developed hybrids that meet our demands more than theirs?
After all, what do they really need; sun, soil, and some water now and then. But no, we're convinced they need food chemical fertilizers and biocides by the toxic boatload.
Haven't we compelled them to march lockstep across interminable horizons, row after row of identical soldiers forced to pump out the most produce we can possibly wring from their seasonal metabolisms? And they're helpless to do anything to stop us. What could possibly be more submissive than that?
The reality of plants is that they are the most important political tools available to humans.
The ability to feed ourselves and our neighbors, to produce fiber and lubricants without oil dependency, to reduce chemical toxicity and re-purify our water supplies, to remedy the colossal stomping our carbon footprints have given the world, all depend on our willingness to re-embrace the Plant Kingdom as a partner in the emergent sustainable culture.
The ability to work with plants, to possess seeds, to grow the things we need is politically subversive. No other single form of personal or community empowerment results in the ability to reject oppressive regimes, to determine sovereignty, to secure the benefits of liberty and cast off the shackles of corporate slavery.
Plants form the platform of any true power base.
A people whose lives are deeply enmeshed in plant culture are in the best, perhaps only, position to reject the industrial dependencies and brutal machinations of dictators, oligarchs, CEOs and other agents of greed and destruction currently controlling our daily lives.
Dependable, long-term sources of nutrition are required for a seat at any table. There is no such thing as political power without a food supply.
Perhaps the greatest gift implicit in a cultural and personal connection with the Plant Kingdom is the level of courage it implants within our core. Along with the immediate ability to feed, clothe and house ourselves directly, hand in hand with the plants, comes the conviction and strength to determine the outcomes of all the affairs of our lives.
In the common vernacular, a man is said to be fearless when he is recognized as having a lot of balls. That is, his scrotum, or seed sack is recognized as being potent and vital.
For us to have true political power in these difficult days of energy addiction withdrawal and economic collapse, we need to have in our possessions a vigorous palette of seeds and nursery stock of all kinds, a vast collection of plant genetics at our fingertips. And in our homeland soils: our own back yards.
The best way for us to cultivate courage in these challenging times is to grow us up a big ol bag of seeds! And in so doing, we will find that we have also grown some balls.
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Posted in Home Improvement Post Date 04/19/2017