Have you seen Pokeweedtoday?
This perennial plant is native to the Eastern United States. It is usually 3 to 8 feet tall. It spreads when birds enjoy it's late summer fruit in September. This fruit is especially important for species preparing to migrate. The birds later drop the seeds, so more Pokeweed grows in the following Spring.
Pokeweed develops racemes of whitish flowers in July. Then, by late summer the easily-recognized reddish, purple berries develop and stems turn reddish, too. Do you think you have seen any Pokeweed today along the roadside or on the edge of a wooded area?
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Be warned that the roots and fruit are toxic if eaten by humans, dogs, pigs, and many other animals. Native Americans and early settlers used the fruit's juice for crimson dye, and even boiled the tender, spring leaves as an edible treat.
Pokeweed grows a taproot up to one foot deep, so it is hard work to remove an established plant. To control it's spread, cut back Pokeweed before it fruits, and remove roots completely.
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Posted in Home Improvement Post Date 05/18/2017